Poptropica Art Feat. Lucky Wing

I’m back! And this time I present to you my new and beautiful masterpiece “Ironwing” and thanks to Lucky Wing herself for coming up with the awesome name πŸ™‚ I drew her poptropican in the style of Ironman but with a personalized touch.

This piece was inspired by Ironman’s suit and I had to adjust some features so it could look like it can fit on a poptropican. The eye design was difficult to decide on but I ended up keeping the original poptropican design where one eye is smaller than the other without compromising Ironman’s original eye style.

The process is the same as the other drawing I did. First I drew “Ironwing” on paper with color pencil, then I took a picture of it and transferred it onto my computer where I photo shopped the background for it.

I’m continuing my superhero series so as always if you guys have any requests leave it in the comments and maybe you’ll be featured in the next Poptropica Art post!

Don’t forget to follow my blog for new Pop Wires, upcoming Poptropica art, and of course my opinions on all the new Pop scoop.


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